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Student Resources

Northwest Middle School Food Pantry

Please visit the Northwest Family Center and Food  Pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.

Bell Schedule 2024-2025

Bell Schedule

NWMS Cell Phone/Electronic Device Policy


Electronic Device: Any device used for audio, video, or text communication, or any other type of computer or computer-like instrument including, but not limited to:

A.     A smart phone or any other type of phone
B.     A smart watch
C.     A tablet
D.     A virtual reality device
E.     Earbuds/ Airpods/ Headphones/Speakers

Students may not use cell phones or other electronic devices at school between the hours of 8:00am and 2:30pm. Students will be expected to leave cell phones, and other electronic devices in their assigned locker before 8:00 am and will not be allowed back to their locker until 2:30 pm. This means that lockers will also be off limits from 8:00 am until 2:30 pm.

Electronic devices that ring, vibrate, or disrupt the educational process in any way, will be confiscated by school staff or personnel. 

Reglamento de la Escuela Intermedia Northwest Sobre Celulares/Aparatos Electrónicos


Aparato Electrónico: Cualquier aparato usado para la comunicación audio, video o texto, o cualquier otro tipo de computadora o instrumento como computadora, pero no limitado a:

A.     Un teléfono inteligente u otro tipo de teléfono
B.     Un reloj inteligente
C.     Una tableta
D.     Un aparato de la realidad virtual
E.     Auriculares / Airpods / Parlantes

Los armarios serán accesibles antes del comienzo de clases 7:55am-8:00am y al final del día a las 2:30 pm.

Solamente los teléfonos celulares deberían estar en los armarios. Los estudiantes recibirán cuadernos para llevar a TODAS sus clases. Los estudiantes no serán permitidos regresar a su armario para recoger el cuaderno entre las 8:00am-2:30pm. ¡NO SE PERMITEN MOCHILAS, SIN EXCEPCIÓN! Ni en el armario del gimnasio. Es un asunto de seguridad.

Haga clic aquí para ver más detalles sobre los reglamentos y procedimientos con respecto a aparatos electrónicos.

Backpack Policy

Backpacks are not allowed on school grounds.

This is a safety concern that SIC (School Improvement Committee) and SCC (School Community Council) voted on last year.

If students need to bring gym clothes, bring it in a plastic bag to be placed in gym locker before school begins.

If a student brings a backpack to school, the office will call home and a parent or guardian will need to come get it. The backpack may not be left in the office.

Reglamento de Mochilas

No se permiten las mochilas en el terreno escolar.

Esto es una preocupación de seguridad que el SIC (Comité de Mejoramiento Escolar) y el SCC (Consejo Comunitario Escolar) votaban el año pasado.

Si los estudiantes necesitan traer ropa deportiva, tráigala en una funda de plástico para ponerla en el armario de gimnasio antes del comienzo de clases.

Si un estudiante trae una mochila a la escuela, el personal de la oficina llamará a casa y un padre o tutor legal necesitará recogerla. No lo puede dejar en la oficina.


Locker Policy

Students will have a locker assigned to them. It is important that you are the only person using your locker, do not share with friends.

Lockers will only be accessible before school starts 7:55am-8:00am and when school ends at 2:30 pm.

Only cell phones should be in lockers. Student will be given a binder that MUST be taken to ALL classes. Students will not be allowed to go back to their locker to retrieve their binder between 8:00am-2:30pm. NO BACKBACKS ALLOWED, NO EXCEPTIONS! Not even in gym locker! This is a safety issue.

If students arrives late to school, they will need to check in at the front office and get a pass to class. The student will then need to place their phone in their locker before going to class.

If students are at their lockers during the school day, the following is a list of consequences that could occur:

            Level 1: Student will be given a verbal warning
            Level 2: Student will lose the use of their locker for the day.
            Level 3: Student will lose the use of their locker for one week.
            Level 4: Student will lose the use of their locker for one month
            Level 5: Student will lose the use of their locker for the remainder of the year.

Consequences are enforced so that students understand the importance of being to class on time and optimizing their learning. Stopping at their locker between classes is a distraction and causes tardies to occur.

Reglamento de Armarios

Se asignará un armario a cada estudiante. Es importante que el estudiante es el único individuo que usa el armario. No lo comparte con amigos.

Los armarios serán accesibles antes del comienzo de clases 7:55am-8:00am y al final del día a las 2:30 pm.

Solamente los teléfonos celulares deberían estar en los armarios. Los estudiantes recibirán cuadernos para llevar a TODAS sus clases. Los estudiantes no serán permitidos regresar a su armario para recoger el cuaderno entre las 8:00am-2:30pm. ¡NO SE PERMITEN MOCHILAS, SIN EXCEPCIÓN! Ni en el armario del gimnasio. Es un asunto de seguridad.

Si un estudiante llega tarde a la escuela, necesitará entrar por la oficina y recibir un pase a clase. El estudiante necesitará poner su celular en su armario antes de irse a clase.

Si los estudiantes están por sus armarios durante el día escolar, la siguiente lista de consecuencias pueden suceder:

            Nivel 1: El estudiante recibirá un aviso verbal.
            Nivel 2: El estudiante perderá el uso de su armario para el día.
            Nivel 3: El estudiante perderá el uso de su armario para una semana.
            Nivel 4: El estudiante perderá el uso de su armario para un mes.
            Nivel 5: El estudiante perderá el uso de su armario para el resto del año escolar.

Las consecuencias se hacen cumplir para que los estudiantes entienden la importancia de estar en clase a tiempo y optimizar el aprendizaje. El pasar por los armarios entre los periodos de clase distrae y causa muchas llegadas tardes

Dress Code:  Express Yourself!

The Northwest community benefits from its diversity! We are people from different cultures, races, languages, religions, perspectives and styles. How you dress says who you are. At school, dress to show that you are focused on learning.

See district policy S-5 for a full explanation. Click here for Spanish.

  • Shorts or skirts should end past your fingertips when your arms are resting at your sides.
Dress Code
  • Clothing should be professional—no muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, or crop tops.
  • Everyone’s underwear, top and bottom, should be hidden under clothing.
  • Hoodies may be worn but the hood MUST remain down, this is a safety issue.
  • Hats, beanies, sunglasses, backpacks, or bags are not allowed.
  • When raising your hand straight up, your belly must remain covered.
  • Clothing, including socks and hats, cannot advertise gangs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, weapons, sexual or offensive language/images, sexism, racism, or violence.
Dress Code Expectations




  • Warning given and change clothes.

  • Parents may be notified by the administration.


  • Change clothes.

  • Parents will be notified by the administration.


  • Change clothes.

  • After school detention.

  • Parent conference to discuss solutions to the problem.


Immunization Update for 2024-2025 School Year

 Seventh Grade Immunization Requirements 2024-2025-English
Seventh Grade Immunization Requirements 2024-2025-Spanish


Northwest Middle School Food Pantry

Please visit the Northwest Family Center and Food  Pantry on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:30-3:30.

Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert (picture gallery)


Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert
Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert
Food Pantry Grand Opening
Food Pantry Grand Opening
Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert
Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert
Food Pantry Grand Opening with Rudy Gobert