News and Announcements
Basketball games will be held after school, Tuesday-Thursday.
Come support and cheer on our teams!
Please come visit with your student's teachers Thursday, February 20, from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. Teachers will be in their classrooms. We look forward to seeing you!
Your school counseling team are inviting 8th grade students and their parents to come to an 8th Grade Plan for College and Career Readiness “Individual” Conference. Conference appointments begin November 4th and run through January.
Get the app and stay in touch!
ParentSquare App- English ParentSquare App - Spanish
Northwest Middle School is celebrating a major achievement in reducing chronic absenteeism, lowering the rate from 42 percent to just 10-12 percent! This success stems from creating a welcoming environment where students feel connected. Reaching this goal required implementing targeted interventions to address absences.
Ms. Posey teaches 8th grade U.S. History at Northwest Middle School, where her students excel through challenging, rigorous learning experiences supported by strong relationships. Her students have earned recognition at both regional and state levels for their National History Day exhibit projects.
Join us in celebrating two amazing Northwest teachers! Sayre Posey received Salt Lake City School District's 2023-24 Teacher of the Year award. Ms. Posey teaches 8th grade history. Wendy Miller was awarded Salt Lake City School District's 2023-24 Special Education Teacher of the Year. Ms. Miller teaches reading.
All students are required to pass the Utah Civics test before graduating from high school. Northwest 8th graders will spend time in class studying for the assessment and will have multiple opportunities to take the test over the course of the school year.
For more information, please contact Ms. Posey or Ms. Lujan.
School success hinges on strong attendance. Read the facts and plan to make school attendance a priority for a successful school year!
The Onraka house students have won the midterm house party! Their dedication to getting to class on time paid off, and we celebrated their success with games, music, sports, prizes and a delicious nacho bar!
Looking ahead, the end-of-term reward for punctuality will be an exciting field trip to the Loveland Living Aquarium. Which house will come on top? The competition is on!
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